News — organic

World Malaria Day: What you need to know

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World Malaria Day: What you need to know

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Celebrate Earth Day with almost zero effort

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Celebrate Earth Day with almost zero effort

Celebrate Earth Day with almost zero effort Sustainability doesn't have to be hard. Planning to brush your teeth to start the day? Turn off the faucet while you brush. If you do that every day for the whole month, it'll conserve about 200 gallons of water (That was easy, huh?)  Bum a ride with someone to work. Responsible people call it carpooling, but either way, it saves on the amount of carbon monoxide emitted into the environment. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Double bonus: it's good for your health. Grab lunch from somewhere local. It takes a lot...

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A better way to do better: Why Marc Skid's charity model works

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A better way to do better: Why Marc Skid's charity model works

A better way to do better: Why Marc Skid's charity model works There are tons of buy-one-give-one business models out there. Marc Skid is different.  Though we support giving back in any way you can, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make sure you're making maximum impact when shopping around.  Marc Skid is different than many other charitable business models in that you know exactly how much money your purchase generates for charity. When companies throw around percentages and loose terminology like "profit" (umm, paging your Econ professor: Gross or net??) it's hard to be sure...

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How one company is making water bottle waistbands (and more)

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How one company is making water bottle waistbands (and more)

How one company is making water bottle waistbands (and more) Repreve by Unifi is reducing waste by recycling water bottles into fiber for fabrics. Repreve, the world's leading recycled fiber, was founded in 2007 by its parent textile company, Unifi. The brand, which you have definitely come across before, has transformed more than 10 BILLION - yes, that's with a B - water bottles into recycled polyester - including in every waistband of Marc Skid underwear.  That's right. Repreve fabric feels no different than standard polyester and is used in everything from clothes, shoes and bags to car seats and home...

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Not just organic, organic Pima cotton! What is organic Pima cotton?

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Not just organic, organic Pima cotton! What is organic Pima cotton?

The difference between organic and organic Pima cotton Each pair of Marc Skid undies is made with the “cashmere of cotton”. Marc Skid undies are made with organic Pima cotton sourced from Peru, but what does that even mean? Cotton is pivotal to Peru’s history. Archaeological evidence suggests that people began harvesting cotton from wild plants in what is now Peru nearly 10,000 years ago. Cotton fabrics have even been found in ancient Peruvian tombs that predated the Incas. The Incas harvested cotton for practical and artistic endeavors. Their cotton weaving techniques and the quality of their textiles impressed the...

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