News — stress

Yes, laughing is actually good for you. Here's why.

Posted by Dan Barry on

Yes, laughing is actually good for you. Here's why.

Yes, laughing is actually good for you. Here's why. You know the cliche, "Laughter is the best medicine". Yeah, it's hard to believe. But! It is rooted in truth. (Mayo Clinic even says so.) Here's what laughter truly does for your body. Decreases stress. A good laugh actually gets your stress response going and then slows it down, resulting in a relaxed feeling. Boosts immunity.  Laughing literally increases infection-fighting antibodies and immune cells. Soothes tense muscles. Circulation is improved by laughing, which aids in muscle relaxation that can last up to 45 minutes after a good laugh.  Releases endorphins. Yeah, you...

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