News — love

Chris says, “If I Can . . .” I say, “Could I?"

Posted by Dan Barry on

Chris says, “If I Can . . .” I say, “Could I?"

              On a flight to California, I watched a short film about Chris Koch. His story inspired me and touched me deeply. I don’t think Chris would mind me saying this since he enjoys a good sense of humor but the quote “Never judge another person until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes” would not be applicable in Chris’ case. With regards to people who inspire us, it is human nature to ask: How would I respond in similar circumstances? In Chris’ situation, it is almost impossible to understand his immense verve and appreciation for life and giving back. One...

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The journey to understanding Mom's unconditional love

Posted by Dan Barry on

The journey to understanding Mom's unconditional love

The journey to understanding Mom's unconditional love 51 years of trying to understand a mother's unconditional love. For me, it happened on May 23, 1966, at St. Johns hospital in St. Louis, Mo. It was that day that I was given the greatest gift of my life, being born the son of Joan Margret Barry. And, oh yeah, the son of Philip Barry (but, come on Dad, this is about Mom). For as great of an honor as it was and has been to be the son of Joan, it has also been a somewhat frustrating and mysterious privilege. There's this...

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